Dealing with globalisation

McK suggests that corporates make China their corporate second home. Not for labour arbitrage, but because the hundreds of millions of people being brought into the working and spending populations dwarf the workforce in the developed world (e.g. only 150m in the...

Meeker on mobile

Some great stuff in there, but I can’t help being contrary on the consume and share portrayal of our online usage. Yes, that’s what the iPad engenders, but I don’t think it has to be the way: we create content in emails, SMSes, status updates, photos...

End of the nation state?

Fascinating but depressing article from John Robb. The global economic system has co-opted many of the functions of the nation state to its own ends. Look at the support given to banks, the ability of BP to stifle reporting on the Deepwater Horizon oil leak.My take on...

Entrepreneurs as rational predators

Gladwell casts entrepreneurs as rational predators. This was published well before a McK article I had previously quoted. This definitely rings true: the people I know who have really made it have seen a hole in the market and gone after it relentlessly. I also agree...

Five forces reshaping the global economy

Five forces reshaping global economy sees McK look at the factors that executives believe are having the most impact on their businesses. The one that people have least dealt with is the rapid transition of economic activity to emerging markets.