Why the title?

Why is this called Rage on Omnipotent?

Where is that amazing header image from?

Why is this called Rage on Omnipotent?

It’s a quote from a Talk Talk song.

The song is short enough to quote here:

Summer bled of Eden
Easter’s heir uncrowns
Another destiny lies leeched upon the ground

Everybody needs someone to live by
Everybody needs someone
Everybody needs someone to live by
Rage on omnipotent

A gilded wreath on reason
The flower crushed conceives
A child of fragrance so much clearer
In legacy

Everybody needs someone to live by
Everybody needs someone
Everybody needs someone to live by
Rage on omnipotent

a) the song (and the album) is stunning (and incidentally great lurve music) and b) they are lyrics that make you think.

I liked the idea of someone being omnipotent and angry. I mean if you could exact any revenge you could possibly want; do anything you could possibly want to make happen, but were still angry you’d be really, really mad. The lyrics make the link with the big G-O-D but also us (who is Easter’s heir?). It’s poetry for me: “everybody needs someone to live by”. Bootiful.

Why did I call my blog R-o-O? I’m the least angry person I know, and really not omnipotent. So it’s kind of ironic.

Where is that amazing header image from?

It’s from Astronomy Picture of the Day, a marvelous service from NASA. The picture is of Australia Day (or evening, I guess) in 2007. I’d have liked to be on that beach. Bonus points for spotting Comet McNaught in my small version. I also think that the image works well with my title. The raging storm, the human equivalent and the serene comet flashing through the sky all feel right.