Remember how good the BBC is

I very much agree with Bagehot. While the BBC does cause some interesting competitive issues, it is so much better than what the competition in the UK is providing and astonishingly much better than the output in most other countries. I’m willing to pay my £150...
Williams or Li

Williams or Li

I’m not sure who I want to win, but it is a day of upsets at Wimbledon, and the crowd seems to be behind the underdog…

Buddy brilliant

Just back from Billy Budd at Glyndebourne. Brilliant. The sequence where they are preparing to chase down a French ship put Master and Commander into the shade. Not bad comparison between an opera and a Hollywood film. Last night so you’ll have to watch the DVD...
Dinner outside

Dinner outside

It absolutely rocks after finishing the largest chicken ever. It will have feed seven people over three days.

Fast budget

So there I was watching the budget on a Sky plus recording, when who should call but HMRC asking me for money. Now I know we all have to pay for the excesses of the banks, but that’s really, really faster than I expected.