I had mentioned Delivereads before and it came up trumps before Christmas (I’ve only just read the articles in the gym today). In summary, a document appears on your Kindle once a month with the articles neatly packaged up.

This months are all excellent:

  • Hitchens at his absolute devastating best on Waterboarding. I felt that the Lincoln quote is what drives his thinking “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong”. Hitch will be missed.
  • Enforcers in Hockey. Who knew that there were bare knuckle fist fights still allowed in professional sports. I certainly didn’t. I wonder if this is linking in to similar research about head-to-head collisions in American football?
  • Stoner arms dealers. When government procurement practices go very, very wrong. Just think how many other examples there might be.
  • Twin studies. I had read most of these studies: they are nicely presented, and the epigenetic “first year” studies are intriguing.