Hong Kong old and new

Hong Kong old and new

Simply brilliant combinations of historical and modern pictures of Hong Kong from the same spot carefully Photoshopped. Old & New Hong Kong Blended Together | Hong Wrong Hong Kong Expat Blog.

The Bay Area in 4K

Wow. I thought that 4K (improved HD TV standard) was most likely a marketing ploy to sell TVs. I’ve changed my mind. This footage is incredible on my non-retina (but 1920×1080) laptop display. It should be extraordinary on a big TV. Find the biggest bestest...
Race to the sky

Race to the sky

Agreed, these are brilliant photos of HK. Vertical Horizon Amazing Photos of HK Skyscrapers by Romain Jacquet-Lagreze | Hong Wrong Hong Kong Expat Blog.
Hong Kong “horrors”

Hong Kong “horrors”

Two slightly different approaches to horror for today’s reading. List of “haunted” houses in Hong Kong (based on suicides and unnatural deaths in apartments: prices can be significantly lower as it is bad feng shui to buy a hung1...

Google Street View Hyperlapse

Google Street View Hyperlapse. What a neat use of Google’s street view imagery. Now I want them to drive round at night so we can see the night versions of many of these. Quite a few HK ones in there for me, and you can always make your own.