Innovation and surfing

Good case study (?) of how to get small groups collaborating and driving innovation. I can’t see us transferring ITW to a beach, though.

US SMS can be pretty expensive

Some interesting figures for US SMS costs vs standard internet. I wonder what the picture is like in the UK, where far more people have SMS bundles as part of their plan costs.


I hadn’t come across beeping – making intentional missed calls – by that name. Nice idea: what other “standard” messages should we allow for free – I have “I’m leaving now” set up as a fast text on my phone, for...

Organ donation

Couldn’t remember if I was on the register or not, so I registered online. Let’s see how joined up government can be…

Why is music different to pr0n?

Great article by Charles Arthur suggesting that many industries have already changed their business model (or died) in the light of consumer preference as expressed over the web.