Excel customisation

Useful one-pager on how to customise Excel through startup worksheets/workbooks.

Hamachi VPN

Hamachi is genius. Install a simple client on Windows or Mac and you have a VPN that is transparent.As an example, I can now browse my Mac mini hard drive at work through a normal explorer window. Other uses? Well why not do VNC over the Hamachi network instead of...

RFID ain’t smart

Interesting point from Sviokla: RFID requires a smart centre tracking dumb parts on the edge. Maybe this works for 80% of inventory, but it is the 20% that it doesn’t that causes all the problems. So smart “motes” might be the answer which add some...

Clean charts

Thanks to Juice for their Excel chart cleaning tool. I will be trialling it for a while, but boy is it necessary.

Run SQL file locally

One I always forget. Type mysql database_namethen source filename; should all work nicely.

Mac with less clutter

It has to be said that the default Mac desktop + Dock + menu bar with addins + some downloads you haven’t yet removed from your desktop is pretty busy. Here are some nice tips from 43 Folders plus others on how to unclutter. Full screen mode + dock hiding really...