Nice filebrowser

Finally found a nice looking filebrowser for websites. Now to get it to work on my webcam images.

OSXvnc problems?

I sometimes get a problem with OSXvnc – I can log in fine, but then the screen flashes on then off again. I’m not sure what causes it, but I can fix it by doing the following:sudo /Library/StartupItems/OSXvnc/OSXvnc stopsudo...

Wiki anti-spam

Have been having horrible spambots on my wiki (with various recipes and personal stuff on it). I’ve tried a combination of things to try and combat it.Long list of anti-spam featuresOne stop fix for most “hidden divs”Turn off anonymous editsTurn on...

50 years of hard drives

The first hard drive is 50 years old. It weighed a ton, was the size of two large fridges, cost $250k/year to lease, held 5Mb of data and had 50 24-inch disks. What made it special? Random access to data rather than sequential read from tapes.

VLC for streaming

Quite why it took me so long to get to use VLC is a valid question. However, Anto tells me it does streaming, too. Schplendid.

Excel customisation

Useful one-pager on how to customise Excel through startup worksheets/workbooks.