Protest 2.0

Protest 2.0

A street scene in Causeway Bay last night. Lots of people heading for Sogo junction. Shops: open. Streets: clean. Mood: determined but utterly unthreatening. Police: absent. Cars: sharing the road with pedestrians. Total respect to all for keeping the lid on...
All the iPhones

All the iPhones

They have had to add barriers and close off an entry to the mall at Hysan Place to accommodate the ersatz Apple store in the streets. I would have expected this for the first few days, but the craziness seems to be carrying on happily.

Like father to son?

According to a Reuters source this is how China views its relationship with Hong Kong: “The mainland has been too nice to Hong Kong,” said the first source with leadership ties. “The relationship between the center and Hong Kong is not one between...