Good, interesting and bad e-gov news

Good news to get the Digital Challenge in the Guardian. Interesting that Gus O’Donnell is really going to shake up the civil service (and which will the first three departments be?). Maybe one might be ODPM, given its recent drubbing in the press. Intellect, who...

e-Dem benefits

Our e-Democracy benefits guide is announced, if not available quite yet. A fun project to be involved in and a good result in the end, I think.

One speech and a declaration

A speech and a declaration I found interesting: Gordon Brown on globalisation and the Ministerial declaration at the Manchester e-Government conference. Both looking forward, both with some substance, unusually.


Not much info in a written answer on e-enablement. But Teather used to be a councillor in my ward, so I had to look.

We are your friends

Apparently…: We are your friends looks at some commonly raised arguments around social care and the risk that they are fallacious. Worth thinking about harder. Some good stuff on the fact that the long tail is not a power law distribution on the site as well....