You have to really mean it

I hadn’t realised how ineffective a stomach pump after overdose can be (after 12 hours) given the toxic nature of paracetamol. Pills can seem like such an easy route with a way out and a way back if it was only a cry for help. Doesn’t look like the way...

2D photos into 3D spaces

Very neat algorithm to extrapolate 2D to 3D. Take a few pictures, a reverse panorama, if you like, and you have a pretty good 3D model.


Great photo of the earth reflected in an astronaut’s visor. Meta-meta-meta kind of thing.And another classic view of Andromeda, a standard run-of-the-mill galaxy.

One lone motorist

Apparently one lone motorist slamming on the brakes can cause mile-long tailbacks. That’s the conclusion we had come to following a string of inexplicable hold ups on various motorways in various years. (For what it is worth, I think this is bad marketing of...

IQ is not innate

Nice book summary from Gladwell suggesting that IQ is not innate: “I.Q. measures not just the quality of a person’s mind but the quality of the world that person lives in”. Given that IQ scores are rising over time (requiring ever harder tests) and that...