IE6 and IE7 together

I’ve tried a number of ways of getting IE6 and IE7 to run simultaneously. Most of the options appear not to work. However, the multiple IE installer seems to have worked perfectly.

PureFTPd doesn’t start up after restart

My hosted FTP server doesn’t restart after a system restart. There are two options to try – firstly to set up monitoring in WHM (Service Configuration >> Service Manager >> Monitor). Second is to restart the FTP server after the server finishes...

Excel Gantt

A new (to me) Excel Gantt tool that looks useful. I’m still using the conditional formatting option for most day-to-day options, though.

Google maps for Treo

Very nice Treo-optimsed Google maps application. I still like Vindigo because it’s all local and you don’t need a network connection. I guess there’s a five-year window for this kind of delivery and after that we’ll be all wired all of the...

Headless mac

Given that I can’t plug HD tv and the Mac in simultaneously, I couldn’t disconnect Caroline’s iPod safely. To add to the fun its screen resolution was off kilter, so I couldn’t VNC to it.So, log in to the mac remotely using SSH. Use Curl to...