by Tom | Oct 27, 2017 | Personal, Science, Tech
A weekend diversion for geeks. It is a very satisfying browser-based mostly text game with hours of gameplay (cleverly mostly unattended). Bear with it. It starts slowly but you will not guess how lunatic it goes. Leave it running in a browser when you tire of...
by Tom | May 12, 2017 | Reading, Science
What an extraordinary piece of as-yet inexplicable anecdata: maybe there’s a broken feedback loop that causes the Parkinson’s tremor. Use some micro motors (thanks mobile phones) to break into the broken feedback loop and distract the brain. A happy...
by Tom | Sep 29, 2016 | Personal, Reading, Science, Tech
Must read (long). Who’s coming to Mars? Musk is a bit like the Chinese. You kind of expect him to get it done.
by Tom | Mar 14, 2016 | Personal, Reading, Science, Tech
So much sci-fi coming to earth this last week. AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol and convincingly. It’s important because the game was thought to be too “big” for traditional computer strategies based on simulating playing the game forward a few rounds and...
by Tom | Dec 2, 2015 | Business, Reading, Science
Usable water isn’t scarce, it’s in the wrong buckets. How will technology and trading improvements in bucket transfer affect adjacent industries? Could Enron be a model? Lots to think about here.
by Tom | Sep 19, 2015 | Personal, Reading, Science
Got to love the frontiers of science. Mathematics and biology are my favourites this year.