by Tom | Jun 30, 2015 | Hong Kong / China, Personal, View
People are queuing on all four sides of a block in Causeway Bay. I would love love love if it is a stunt and they are going around in circles. But it’s probably a free thingumabob instead.
by Tom | Jun 25, 2015 | Hong Kong / China, Reading, View
You’ll hear plenty more about Jing-Jin-Ji, I’m sure. [linking] Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei into [a] city the size of Uruguay and as populous as Japan As usual, China has incredibly aggressive plans for its own development. Few nations come close...
by Tom | Jun 18, 2015 | Government, Hong Kong / China, Reading, View
Extraordinary voting result. Why did only eight pro-Beijing-plan lawmakers vote Yes? Worried about their future from both directions? [update] the answer from Reddit. Bill is taken to vote because nobody requested to speak Pro-gov’t camp...
by Tom | Jun 16, 2015 | Hong Kong / China, Personal
…for all the birthday wishes. And to the Kong for being beautiful all day. Even cooled down enough by the breeze for a snooze on the lawn.
by Tom | Apr 30, 2015 | Hong Kong / China, Personal, View
Thanks, HK. Spring is looking lovely today. What a splendid breakfast view. Extra special having a black kite nest in the trees just outside.
by Tom | Apr 26, 2015 | Hong Kong / China, Personal
Nice to be featured (sort of) on the cover of the Lamma 500 brochure.