On voting and the poor

On reflection, I think Bruce A might be right that this is commendable honesty. “If it’s entirely a numbers game and numeric representation, then obviously you’d be talking to the half of the people in Hong Kong who earn less than US$1,800 a month....

On being poor

Really interesting read on being poor from the inside. Highlights the need for policies that help people make better decisions (financial and nutritional) most likely by paying them more rather than trying to pass legislation to protect or force them into action....

Israeli desalination

Some amazing stats on water use in Israel following the worst rainfall in years. This is massive. 30% of potable water from desalination rising to 40% in 2015 90% of waste water recycled for agricultural use Max $500 each year for a family’s needs for...
Censored photos in China

Censored photos in China

A thought-provoking set of images that have been removed from Weibo. The inability of China to censor the internet outside China has similarities to the Conservative speech archive silliness. Glad that ProPublica is curating this. Covering up part of the sign leaves:...
Occupy debt forgiveness

Occupy debt forgiveness

Looks like we underestimated Occupy. Buying debt for pennies and forgiving it seems like a great idea. Not sure whether it cuts at the heart of capitalism, but it is a large scale version of suspended coffees.  
IPNAS and the loss of freedoms in the UK

IPNAS and the loss of freedoms in the UK

Wow, some must-read articles on new legislation working its way through the UK parliament. I get and salute the need for simplification of existing legislation, but we should not approach this through over-generality and vagueness. Descent into 1984 (because I...