e-gov not dead

Nice to see Jim Fitzpatrick still pushing what councils have done through e-gov over the last five years. Some of the stats are very impressive (26% to 97% enabled, number of planning applications done online) but show that there is so much more usage waiting to...

GovConnect importance

Mike Cross talks to the importance of Government Connect. He’s right, and there’s a lot of changes coming in that space.

EU Life Events?

UK local government tried life events and moved on. Directgov has life events and they seem OK. Now the EU wants them as part of the new i2010 framework so that Jonas and Gabriella can get married:“life-time events” “business-events”...

Constraints can force innovation

I absolutely agree. Use constraint to help you think about where innovation may lie. It’s one of the biggest challenges to government (certainly in the UK). There are so many initiatives with badly-drawn and / or conflicting delivery targets that the will to...

Philips Chief Technology Officer

Philips Chief Technology Officer for Electronics has some interesting comments around innovations:if you begin to look more recently, then you begin to see a mix of innovations, which are technology innovations with innovations that are much consumer centric, or...

Public Service

The Post Office is now 118 855 – that’s a sensible place for a semi-public sector organisation to go.