by Tom | May 27, 2017 | General
Good to see the kites enjoying the balcony too. Magnificent beasts.
by Tom | May 26, 2017 | General
What an intriguing effort to bring photos to life. Always a delight to revisit the moon missions.
by Tom | May 12, 2017 | General
(Note The Wait but Why article is a super-long read, so store it up for a travel day.) Summary: Elon Musk works to a simple if audacious formula. Nudge the whole world to be better placed to survive the future by finding a sector with a business model to drive...
by Tom | May 12, 2017 | Reading, Science
What an extraordinary piece of as-yet inexplicable anecdata: maybe there’s a broken feedback loop that causes the Parkinson’s tremor. Use some micro motors (thanks mobile phones) to break into the broken feedback loop and distract the brain. A happy...
by Tom | Mar 21, 2017 | Business, Government, Reading, View
Tom Tomorrow has it spot on. Is there anyone looking at what is being obscured by the hype cycle?