You seem to be blogging a lot today. No work? Caroline away?
Bored? Anyway to matters pink. There was an interesting program Radio 4 yesterday 12:30 on children’s colour preferences. We were driving to Harrogate to see an exhibition so only heard the first half as we arrived about 12:45. The interesting thing I learned was that female vervet(?) monkeys choose girly toys when given options. Daisy is certainly Miss Pink though burgundy is a good alternative.
Bad night’s sleep so catching up on a backlog of articles that I wanted to read, part work part general interest. Nearly done now. Also, I normally set the posts to go at various times but haven’t bothered today.
You seem to be blogging a lot today. No work? Caroline away?
Bored? Anyway to matters pink. There was an interesting program Radio 4 yesterday 12:30 on children’s colour preferences. We were driving to Harrogate to see an exhibition so only heard the first half as we arrived about 12:45. The interesting thing I learned was that female vervet(?) monkeys choose girly toys when given options. Daisy is certainly Miss Pink though burgundy is a good alternative.
Another post while I am writing this!
Bad night’s sleep so catching up on a backlog of articles that I wanted to read, part work part general interest. Nearly done now. Also, I normally set the posts to go at various times but haven’t bothered today.
Some more on pink/blue and monkeys toy choice. As you remembered, it was vervets.
I am impressed by the posts, Very eclectic. In my case looking at them is work avoidance.