I hadn’t really properly read the background to Ultra Violet (think of it as the industry’s preferred new way for us to buy DVD / Blu-Ray content).
What’s different here is that it is designed to work the way we would like to: sharing around the family, taking it to friends’ houses, accessing content on our mobiles. Compare and contrast to the music industry pre-Spotify and its ilk.
It sounds too good to be true, and indeed, the fact that Tesco is keen on it should give us pause for thought.
Worth comparing also with Unbound which attempts to be a market for books that have not yet been written. Writers pitch their ideas and we the public agree to pay them for them. Kind of a fractional advance system, I guess. Intriguing, and I hate to think what it would do to writers who have issues with deadlines…
As a pretty well entirely digital person now, the pricing model doesn’t quite work for me: I’d like to be able to pay more for the digital version if I really wanted to and not get a hard copy in return.
Tom, I want your HK phone number to check we still have actual voices. the tech revolution is really starting to give me the creeps and here comes the next wave out to sea. Your friend Tom is my favourite in the Apprentice btw, he keeps homing in on the rakes in the grass but gets shouted down by the egos – who then get bonked by them. Comedy 🙂
Skype is cheapest; I’m tomraggett. If you want real mobile, it’s +852 9311 8602. Twould be lovely to speak with you. 10:00 your time is 17:00 my time, for reference.
My skype computer is dying but I’ll give it a go this weekend: how nice! :)))