So, it’s time to move away from the Modaco ROMs I’ve been using for the majority of my Desire’s life to something else.
I’ve read good things about Cool HD v7 and decided to make the switch. At the same time, I wanted to move from Apps2SD+ to data2ext. This requires a repartition of the SD card as well as a wipe and reset of the phone.
First, I had to get the adb working on Windows 7 x64. I followed these clear instructions, together with a bit of .inf file editing as in the comments and it worked (summary: install x32 and then x64 JDK, then android SDK. Then download the platform tools and google usb driver. Then make sure your device ID is in the relevant part of the .inf file. Then install and you are OK).
So…after backing up using Titanium (and Ti to Dropbox) and Nandroid, I got to it.
Connect the device to the PC and reboot in recovery. NB as I use ClockworkMod (, I have to do two steps to get to the full ClockworkMod recovery screen. First the reboot in recovery, and then volume up + power, then apply to get to the full recovery screen.
Then we have to work out how the various partitions need to be sized for data2ext. I was planning a fat32+ ext4+ ext4+ linux-swap (with the last as a just in case). The two ext4s are recommended for data2ext and the linux-swap is small and possibly not needed.
So, working back from an 8Gb card, I need the following partition boundaries:
- 7969 linux-swap (32) (978, 31288 with fdisk)
- 7937 ext4 (256) (23438, 750048 with fdisk)
- 7681 ext4 (768) (7813, 250048 with fdisk)
- 6913 fat32 (remaining card space. 217064, 6946080 with fdisk)
I used the instructions for apps2sd SD card set up (same idea, really) to create the relevant partitions. However, I didn’t have parted on my system (different recovery image, maybe?). So I needed to work with fdisk (not much fun, but worked).
The steps I took followed these: adb shell, fdisk, p to print partition list, d to delete each partition, n to create a new one at the boundaries mentioned about, and then c? to change the partition IDs to be FAT, ext2 (linux), ext2, linux-swap. Job done.
One the SD card was ready to go, I ran a full system reset, then loaded the relevant files (Cool ROM and flashable_data) on the card and booted as per coolexe’s instructions.
Then a final couple of reboots before I entered my Google ID and started syncing the device. I then ran a couple of ROMs that didn’t work and had to wipe and reflash again, so we are up and running with lovely new sense, market, etc.
Not for the faint of heart, as I bricked my phone twice. All working now, though.
I’d recommend the oxygen 2.0 rom, available from xda-developers. If you also use alpharev to s-off your phone, the internal storage can be repartitioned, leaving about 300 MB of internal storage rather than the 120 you get by default on the desire. Apps 2 SD not needed then. Note this is not a sense based rom, should that be an issue for you. I now have loads of apps all on internal storage, still with the best part of 100mb free.
Hope all well in Hong Kong!
Interesting option: I’ll have a play with it. I’ve got Cool working now, and it’s pretty good. Android 2.2.1, so a little better than the previous Modaco release. And memory? 530MB internal phone storage available! Neat.
Took some getting there, but is definitely good to go now. Very smooth and responsive, and reasonable battery life so far.