First outing in a dragon boat today. It was enjoyable, not too knackering and I didn’t sink the boat, hit another paddler on the head. Neither do I ache too badly, yet.
Evening beers at sunset in Stanley were pretty good too. February and standing out in our shirt sleeves, anyone?
We were standing outside in shirt sleeves too yesterday. In sunny Britain!
Good stuff. Can I add that we were by the beach? And 20 minutes from home?
Ok, ok, I’m jealous now. And today’s making up for it with horribly grey drizzly skies.
Did you win the dragon boat race?
Only training, not a race. Will let you know when I go pro. However, liking the idea that you think I could just step into a boat and take partin a race. Not after Pegasus training, I can tell you.
I wouldn’t put anything past you, Tom! 🙂