Amazing that any of the party leaders used figures that were wrong during the debate. But they all did, to little effect on their arguments. The most specific fail for me was Clegg going on about young men being taught to be criminals. The figures don’t appear to back him up here. That said, a 60% reoffending rate is far too high. Maybe prisons are a more politically sensitive version of the drug legalisation debate, although costing far less money.
Cameron didn’t use many facts, so couldn’t be wrong about many of them: his comments about Bulgarian healthcare appear to be historical. Brown was wrong about the relative cost of Labour and Tory policies on Lords reform and omitted to say that asylum seekers could still come into the country, skilled or unskilled. So nothing too bad, really.
These thoughts come from Full Fact which looks like a useful resource to keep the candidates on the straight and narrow, as will the Straight Choice, of course.