Talking to Caroline, we decided that Metaversary was probably a better name for our "Anniversary of getting together" which I had unstylishly called our gettingtogetherversary. Any way, if you are reading this on April 4th, it is today!
Talking to Caroline, we decided that Metaversary was probably a better name for our "Anniversary of getting together" which I had unstylishly called our gettingtogetherversary. Any way, if you are reading this on April 4th, it is today!
I´m coming up to my 15th metaversary!
If you have a fractious relationship, I believe the correct term to call it is your "Adversary".
Shilen´s party, by the cigarette machine if I do recall
Indeed. And the machine was in Waxy O´Connors. It was 1997, for completists. 11 years of my life – nearly a third of Caroline´s.