Interesting distributed “war” against Scientology and specific comments on how it works: just imagine if people were building these sort of networks for terrorism (and let’s assume they are)?
Interesting distributed “war” against Scientology and specific comments on how it works: just imagine if people were building these sort of networks for terrorism (and let’s assume they are)?
People have been trying to stop Scientology´s racketeering crimes and its human rights abuses ever since L. Ron Hubbard created the criminal enterprise. What´s new is that Anonymous has taken the effort to dismantle the criminal enterprise one step higher than before.
The ARSCC has been at the forefront of doing what law enforcement agencies have been hamstrung and couldn´t do, and we have been doing it since around 1993. We have been sued, harassed, shoved out in to traffic, assaulted, kicked, spit on, screamed at, followed, our businesses have been attacked, all the usual Scientology crimes that the corporation are well known for.
Anonymous brings with them the solution to Scientology´s history of racketeering atgainst human rights and civil rights activists who have been working to stop scientology: Their anonymous nature.
This is a good thing. The Anonymous may allow the criminal enterprise to continue to exist however they´re not going to allow the racketeering any more. If Scientology´s crime bosses are imprisoned like they were back in 1977 and if the surviving crime bosses reform and stop being organized crime, Anonymous will leave them along because then Scientology will be just another insane flying saucer UFO cult.
As it is Scientology´s history and its current activities are those that law enforcement should be inprisoning Scientology´s crime bosses and ringleaders for, and since they´r enot doing it, Anonymous is stepping in.
My opinions only and only my opinions, as always.