Quantum Gravity Observed. Wow. 6:14:25 PM

Dreadful conceptual PCs from Intel. I could think of better ones. The only one that was truly novel was the “chair is a computer”. 6:13:45 PM

Mission Impossible: self destructing silicon. 6:13:03 PM

Gates memo: Trustworthy computing. In this e-mail sent to employees Tuesday, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates says the company intends to shift from focusing on features to spotlighting security and privacy. Funny style in these memos. Especially the first paragraph which sounds autistic. 6:01:14 PM

UkInd via NyP: The US war-crimes omitted from ‘Black Hawk Down’ Maybe someone should do a post-film handout to explain what really happened for reality-based films. 5:57:22 PM