Viridian Note 00283: Geeks and Spooks.. Bruce Sterling: Viridian Note 00283: Geeks and Spooks. Sealand resident Ryan Lackey has an interesting response. [Hack the Planet] 11:28:33 AM
5pg w/popup pic: Time profiles Ginger [Robot Wisdom] 11:24:04 AM
Eureka: Lucid engineering-summary of WTC collapse [Robot Wisdom] 11:20:16 AM
‘Ginger’: Think And It Will Do. Dean Kamen’s world-changing new invention definitely isn’t what people thought it would be. IT, as it turns out, is still pretty cool. [Wired News] 11:18:10 AM
Ximian Evolution 1.0 links Linux to Exchange. Very sensible to charge for the connector part of Evolution. $69 per seat is expensive though. 11:16:46 AM
Viva IMAP!. All’s I got to say is — IMAP is the way to go. I’ve got to do this at some stage – have to work on some way of archiving that I have semi-permanent access to, though. 11:04:36 AM
IBM DeveloperWorks: An interface only a mother could love. Nor is the issue exclusive to WAP, although that sorry excuse for a standard has plenty of problems of its own. Instead, I think it’s more a product of ivory tower planning and a general inattention to real-world user acceptance testing. And the problem is ubiquitous. [Tomalak’s Realm] 10:43:56 AM
IBM DeveloperWorks: Physician, heal thyself. Ahh, the Web page. A large blank blue field. The source code included a JavaScript hack that redirected me to a different page, as well as an image I could click on to get into their home page — but the image file didn’t exist, so all I saw was a blank blue page. [Tomalak’s Realm] 10:41:42 AM
CIO: People Who Need People. Instead of generating value in the form of increased revenues or even customer loyalty, they just sucked up the resources of employees who could be deployed on other Web projects and used money that could be spent on other applications. [Tomalak’s Realm] 10:38:23 AM
Cringely: Why .NET will fail. MS will use bad publicity from the first few releases plus some poaching to improve .Net. “During their due-diligence visits, the Microsoft team figured out who at Intuit were the brains Microsoft wanted, and they recruited them.” 10:36:36 AM
Microsoft aims for its next target: CRM. This could get nasty, and the competition has a five- to ten-year head start. 10:32:07 AM
Lots of cool themes for Windows XP are on [Scoble’s Windows XP News (was marked bad)] 10:23:16 AM