About the al-Jazeera TV station. There is an interesting article in the Guardian newspaper about the al-Jazeera TV station: the only TV station to have a live link to Kabul. From the article: In the five years of its existence, al-Jazeera has become the most-watched satellite channel in the Arab world and has infuriated every government from Libya to Kuwait – both of which once threatened to pull out their ambassadors from Qatar in protest. 4:42:04 PM |
Dan Bricklin: In my essay “The Internet is now a dominant tool for regular people“, I write about how regular people use Internet searching in lieu of other techniques — it has become like duct tape: You use it for everything. Richard W. Wiggins has written a fascinating article for First Monday, “The Effects of September 11 on the Leading Search Engine“, that gives very precise examples of this. A great article. 1:29:41 PM |
Marketplace.Org: Crude Awakenings. “What if Afghanistan was stabilized?” Of course – it’s all about oil… 1:29:03 PM |
Andy Sylvester: Rules in Radio UserLand. 1:28:08 PM |
Visionary lays into the web.. BBC News: Visionary lays into the web. For all his talk about the wonderfulness of Xanadu, Nelson has yet to convince me that the features it claims to provide are realistically implementable. 1:27:29 PM |
New Riders Interview: Jakob Nielsen and Marie Tahir. Sadly, it looks like I probably ought to buy this… 1:25:58 PM |
Column | Web Travel Planning. Optimizing the interaction among web services isn’t in the interest of the providers. Could a peer-to-peer application help us do it for ourselves? Interesting article looking at how frictionless, transparent commerce might work. 11:51:31 AM |