Extraordinary picture of earthlights from space.Maybe worth checking out this as it progresses: Small Pieces Public Draft.Booz.Allen article that mirrors my Rapid Pilot idea. I’m not quite sure of either the word hyperinnovation or of iterative capital. However, the concepts are solid.WinNT auditing tools for the seriously paranoid: u n d e r g r o u n d s e c u r i t y s y s t e m s r e s e a r c h.Vital research: Blondes Earn Less?.Caroline had this idea bout a year ago: E-tail Invades the Real World.Looks like e-Procurement has just hit Asia.General usability resource: Usability.gov. It’s surprisingly good.Breakthrough Books in a wide range of subjects.Interesting article from Strategy + Business.Good new (to me) toon: For Better or For Worse.